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RACE REPORT PSC Offshore Race 2 One Fathom Bank Saturday 17 th June2023

Writer's picture: Sie Kee LauSie Kee Lau

We think we should report on this to draw everyones attention to our offshore

series as it could and should be better supported because it offers such great

sailing for cruisers

The next race is scheduled for Saturday ( always a Saturday ) 8 th July ROUND

THE CANS our triangular course in the water in the Malacca Strait off ( NOR

will be published on Monday

We had 3 participants Dash Yanmar 32 based in PD but belonging to and

sailed by PSC member Jacob van der Drift and Wife Sophie and Jeff Harris new

11 metre catamaran Serendipity built by Mark Prescott in Phuket

And PSC Commodore Jeremy s Impala 28 OOD Blue Angel

A sensible move to postpone the start to 1000 and to start on a line from the 2

navigation buoys Selat and Tenteran both worked well

A brisk north westerly wind greeted competitors at the start Blue Angel was

going well enough under main alone without a genoa ( without the luxury of a

furling genoa )and changed from the nice new plastic one to the old dacron

one and the dacron main as it looked likely they would have to reef

The course was to pass between the next set of channel markers Pintu Gedong

Terusan before heading off to the lighthouse , with a lively sea it would have

been challenging to pass between but it would have added to 2 further tacks

to the one we made all day , anyway the catamaran had decided the this was

not a good idea and headed straight off on the reach on the Rum Line for the

light house some miles away and the race officer amended the course


It was a super reach getting broader as we got further out , Blue Angel surfing

on the waves 12 to 15 knots of wind was just right , a steady 6 plus knots

This leg was enlivened by a race with a tug towing a large barge who seemed

determined to cut us off , finally we all passed ahead , one of the delights of

the race is the One Fathom Lighthouse becoming visible as the Port Klang

cranes disappear , the appearance of the lighthouse with old disused one in

close attendance is always exiting ,Serendipity was well ahead and heading

back when Dash and Blue Angel approached, Dash with more speed heading

up passed Blue Angel to lead where upon Blue Angel tacked earlier and amid

screams for fishermen on the lighthouse plinth cut the corner and led on the

way back on a close reach , there is always discussion about the cross tide in

the Straits Dash went straight and Blue Angel headed south to allow for this ,

possibly because the impact with good wind is less Dash wasnd right

Blue Angel were sure Dash could not make the line Pintu Gedong and Terusan

but with expert navigation by Jacob they did with a great tight angle to the

other mark , Blue Angel crossed in the centre 4 minutes later, Serendipity had

long since gone but having to tack pushed them back , their handicap of 1.4 is

very high but on a good reach the speeds are much higher , We have decided

to encourage them to reduce this to 1.00 for the next race

So the final result

Elapsed time TCF Corrected time position

BLUE ANGEL 316 minutes 0.881 271 minutes 1

DASH 312 minutes 0.925 288 minutes 2

SERENDIPITY 285 minutes 1.400 399 minutes 3

We hope for the next race our regulars VG Offshore and Recaa will participate ,

owner Jega has authorized the cleaning of Leopad Dream now cleaned and

freshly anti fouled as well the long outstanding work on the windows and

interior , hopefully with one of our experienced offshore skippers she will take

part and give more members a taste of offshore sailing

One of the advantages of the Pulau Indah Marina is its proximity to the open


Jeremy Camps

Race Officer


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