Currently for members children but intended to bring in new members and children
The concept is of a new style club with the children as members , its own flag officers It has it is own club house which will be furnished and have wifi
Based on the clubs fully equipped ( new sails rudders tiller centreboard ropes etc )10 Opis ,each member will be allocated or rather can select a boat which for a minimal fee is theirs to use exclusively , they can paint and name it as they wish
The club will be managed by the parents. a program of basic sailing in an identified safe area to start with racing in due course on Saturdays leading to participation in the MSA ( Malaysian Sailing Association ) racing program
Another first for PSC
The club also advises its intention to start sailing and racing its 8 fully equipped Laser 2 man trapeze dinghies , these will race on Sundays with the Clubs 14 boat Squib fleet on shorter courses in the river, the objective is to introduce /attract a younger membership
For more details please contact Parents Committee Chairman Peter Hindle on 0111009510 email or Commodore Jeremy Camps on 0222050745