Firstly the club tractor revival , our I suppose classic Fordson tractor acquired
by President Amir some years ago has been undergoing a restoration , under
Member Sameer and his Sri Lanjkan tractor boys team , great to hear the old
girl chugging around the hardstand , not finished yet but will be used for
launching and retrieving Squibs, cheaper and easier
Next Karen who has kindly taken on the role of coordinator of our dinghy
/youth initiative has put together a complete list of the OPTIMIST parts with
location to enable us to find and assemble hopefully the 10 boats Rainer who
has constructed 3 Opi trolleys had done the same for the 8 LASER 2 s again
with presumed location , the idea is to have working day a Saturday DATE TO
BE ADVISED to take everything out of the storage container and sort, the
boats were at one stage complete , once we have done this we can start
sailing The club has a scruffy but operational Topper dinghy available for use ,
As advised above we are putting together a program starting with a work day ,
a Saturday date to be advised,
amonst our new members is Lucy daughter of Adrian and Alison Espinosa Diaz
, she is an accomplished Opi sailor who represented Tanzania internationally ,
we hope this will be the spark which lights our junior program
The club has a broad plan to develop this part of sailing appealing to a younger
generation our new member Richard has indicated his interest
Our Squib sailing is developing too , following the successful second Malaysian
Championship held in June with international Race Officer Simon james
managing the racing our invited Malaysian international SEA games / Olympic
sailors Neeta and Tom occupied the first three places , last years champs and
runners up were unable to compete , the first PSC boat and winner of our new
trophy was Sophie Av Rahmen a newcomer to Squib sailing crewed by our old
friend and top class sailor Dr Izham in Zomark , no less than 5 different
boats won races
Zomark has now been purchased by new member Adrian Espinosa Diaz and his
family , we will soon be thinking of importing 2 more to make 16 boats , the
class has plans for wider racing in the coming year team racing for example ,
great little boats easy to sail but not so easy to sail well
As per our Racing Program on Thursday 28 th August PSC will be having our
OUT OF AFRICA Gathering , guest speaker will be our Honary Member Round
the World Yachtsman Fabian Fernandez will be speaking he has chosen as his
This is a unique opportunity to hear and see Fabians full story
And finally the commodores new PA Lakshika has revised the club brochure as
attached , we need more members to create more cash to enable us to expand
, we need all to help with this , we will have an open weekend for you all to
bring your friends , Yasid who produces fantastic films has kindly agred to help
with a club video
Jeremy Camps
Peninsular Sailing Club Selangor
The commodore will be using his PSC email the
usual is okay